Installing Kubernetes on my Ubuntu laptop
Why? Since the company I'm working with uses Kubernetes in production, I like to have a sandbox handy to try upgrades and just for general experimentation. Prerequisites I'm using Ubuntu 19.04 "Disco Dingo". I'm going to install Kubernetes v1.15.4. The current newest version works a bit differently that makes the latest stable flannel release not to work properly. The procedure below can probably be repeated with now-current (in reader-time :) ) versions as long as they're compatible. Docker The docker I choose is version 18.09 . Check the supported docker version with your Kubernetes version. Do not skip this step. I found this information in the release notes for v1.15: Flannel I'm using flannel with the local installation. The latest stable at this time is v0.11.0. I found no information on the compatiblity of different flannel and Kubernetes versions, so I just tried the late...